Tuesday 27 March 2012

I'm at the edge again.......

Assalamualaikum to my fellow readers,

Its been a quite a long time ever since I've updated this blog.A lot of things had happened to me.Well,let me start by saying 'Alhamdullillah' because I've scored 9A 1B for my Ujian 1. I was really shocked when the teacher gave me the result. I've never dreamed of getting this high for my studies.Netherless to say , I am grateful to Allah S.W.T. for always blessing me eventhough I have a lot of sin that I need to atoned.Last Friday, I was one of the school PRS to become a facilitor at a prefect camp at Bagan Lalang Beach Resort. It was all fun ( eventhough I was voted as the most hated facilitor at the camp ) . At that camp,I also was given the task to become the cameraman with Ammar Anuar ( ex-prefect ) .I've now noticed that eventhough I have absolute 0% talent at photography, I still like to take peoples's smile. I mean,come on.....SMILES WHAT MAKE ME SMILE. stupid eh?
 Recently,people have been asking me about my relationship with a Nur ( not a real name ) . As sad as it seem, me and her are totally done. We thought that it would really be better if we didn't have that 'special' relationship.The truth is I was really...I MEAN REALLY.....sad to heard that but what can I do,maybe it wasn't meant to be between me and Nur. Life have been really dull for me. Problem uprise and answers never even show up. All I wanted was someone I could share my thought to. I have this problem about girls. I don't know if its me but am I the only one who likes to talk more to girls rather that to boys? No offense to the male homosapien but I think talking to girls really ease my stress. They are more thoughtful and also understanding about me but one of my problem with girls is ..... I get attracted to them to easily. What I mean is when I talk with a girl and I feel comfortable talking to them or they are kinda thoughtful to me , I feel like ... I want to be by their side. Weird eh? Well, that what you expect from a weird dude like me.


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