Friday 22 July 2011

Why do we forget Allah?

 It's been a long time since I have updated my blog.The reason for me to be writing today is I have a confession to make.Today,I have done a big sin that have been haunting my mind thoughout the day.My iman was really weak at that point and I had lost to my desire and syaitan.After that,I've noticed that,I was truly weak when Allah test me.I forgot about Allah S.W.T.....about Muhammad S.A.W....and about Islam.I regret my sin and I pray Allah S.W.T to forgive my sin.Insyallah.

 Another thing that I want to talk about is the muslim nowadays.Recently,I noticed that a lot about me have change since I was still in form 1.I was shy,quiet and rarely had any conversation with anyone.But now,I think I can talk my heart out with anyon...and that is the problem ! If I was given a choice,I would like to be like how I was at form 1.It's not that I hate talking but everytime I talk ,I'm attentive to talk about other people and when I talk about other people,I will sometimes ,I mean always talk bad about people.This is a thing,really!Imagine if talking bad about a people will make Allah S.W.T furious toward us for a day,how many times have we make Allah S.W.T furious in a single day? I think silenting ourself is sometimes better than being someone who always talk bad about people.

 This afternoon,after Friday prayers,I went playing futsal with a couple of my friend.I was the first to arrive and soon 2-3 of my friends also arrive.Well,what really attracted me was,one of my friend was looking at his very passionately,so I ask him what he was watching and my mind was blanked when he answer me.He was watching porn from him phone.I was a little shocked to hear that.Is that what teenager are doing now?Making Allah S.W.T mad? I was about to give him a little advise but who am I to advise people,when I had done sin bigger than that.All I can do is pry to Allah S.W.T open his heart to reliaze him mistake.

 It was 8.30 when I was at my tuition centre.I was studying physic with my physic teacher,Mr.Lee.We talked about a lot of stuff before actually learning anything.One of the thing that we talked about was our love life.In my life,I had never have any girlfriend simply because I'm not really in the right age.I am still a child who is still trying to open his eyes at the world whom Allah S.W.T perfectly created.Meanwhile,Mr.Lee is also single.I asked him if he have any girlfriends and he answer no.He told me he hadn't anyone special.At that his age,I would expect at least a wife.He advised me that I shouldn't really a girlfriend ,instead I should have a girl,who is alo my friend that I can hang out like going shopping together but just and only just as a friend.Well,that really got me thinking of wanting a girlfriend...well, I can not simply want girls to be attracted to me,maybe one day ,I'll find someone who is quiet,smart,love Islam as much as I do to be my girlfriend and maybe as my wife.Insyallah.

Well , think that all for this post.Sorry if its quite long,maybe I'll shorten it in the future.

Insyallah and Assalamualaikum

Thursday 14 July 2011

First experience in an university

 Today,me and a few of my friends went to Management and Science University (MSU),at Shah Alam.One think that I've learnt from there is ....UNIVERSITY LIFE IS SWEET!!! I mean,really! Its totally different from a normal highschool like SMK Pandan Jaya.When I was at MSU,I felt as if my heart was dying to studying there.The library was awesome for some reasons.It's quiet,air-conditioned and best of all ,theres like 22,000 book to read! I was really jealous of the students there,there studied and did there revision using laptop at the library,I was amazed.....

 Anyway,one of the things that attracted me to university is the anatomy class.My companion and I was lucky to follow this trip because we got to see a really life dead body.The first body was waxed and we could see the body's muscle,nerves and stuff.Then,the instuctor showed us a few cut body parts like the stomach,heart,liver and hands.Here's the good part,the instuctor also gave a the chance to see a preserved body.When they opened the case containing the body,I was shocked yet interested.It was as if there's a living man sleeping in all the chemicals in the case.The worse part is,the chemical used to preserved the body was so thick.Some of the students had to cover there mouth and eyes because of the smell.

 In my opinion,MSU is a great place to continue one's study.I would be really lucky if I could study here.I would take medical courses here.I'm really happy to visit MSU and I wish I can revisit there in the near future.Who knows,maybe I'll be a real student there the next time I go there.

Saturday 9 July 2011

Jemputan ke rumah Allah S.W.T

Assalamualaikum warahmatullah hiwabarakatu,

Semalam masa petang,ada sorang kawan lama ni ajak main bola.First2 aku malas nak main,pastu ayah aku nasihat aku,"Sukan untuk semua,tiada alasan tidak cergas".Lepas 2-3 minit baru la aku ada 'mood' nak main bola.Aku ingatkan main bola ngan budak-budak kecik,maklumlah kawan lama aku tu 10 tahun,aku datang-datang je padang,budak-budak kecik lawan ngan budak-budak form 2 Pandan Jaya.Aku datang tengok je tapi aku tengok team budak kecik tengah kalah 2-0.

 Aku pun kesian arh,jadi aku join sekali main bola,yang syok nya,Rash,budak India sekolah menengah baru sampai terus nak main ngan sorang abang Cina join team budak kecik,dah macam team satu Malaysia.Alhamdullilah,team kitorang menang 5-3 tapi budak-budak Pandan Jaya tu kalah sebab kitorang ramai sangat.Budak-budak kecik kawasan rumah aku tiba-tiba join.Lepas aku balik,aku baru sedar supaya 'don't judge a book by its cover'.Insyaallah,aku doa Allah buat perasaan sombong dan malas dari hamba ini.

 Sebelum magrib,aku cepat-cepat bersihkan diri sebab aku dapat jemputan ke rumah Allah S.W.T.Aku agak berdebar nak pergi sana.Lama aku tak dapat jemputan.Alhamdullillah,satu keluarga aku dapat jemputan ke rumah Allah S.W.T.Masa aku masuk rumah Allah S.W.T,aku sentiasa rasa rindu,syadu,sedih dan gembira.Dah lama aku tak masuk rumah Allah S.W.T.Mungkin Allah S.W.T tidak mengizinkan ku untuk menghadiri rumah-Nya,waallahualam.Mari bersama-sama kuatkan iman kita kepada Allah S.W.T untuk menerima hidayah daripada yang Maha Esa.Ingat lah bahawa Allah S.W.T sentiasa menyayangi kita jika kita menyayangi -Nya,Insyaallah.

Assalamualaikum warahmatullah hiwabarakatu.