Saturday 31 December 2011

New Year Resolution !!!!

Assalamualaikum everyone,

As you all know,its like a tradition to renew own new year resolution every year.So,without wasting any time,here is my 2012 new year resolution (...but I dunno if I can make it )  :

  • I wanna grow a muscular figure 
Well,for this resolution I don't really mean like this ....

....but it would really be awesome if I can get my body to be at an optimum level in health and shape

  • I want to get straight A's for my SPM
If you guys didn't know,I'm gonna take my SPM ( Sijil Peperiksaan Malaysia ) this year and I want to get a good result so that I can get a scholarship because learning in the medical field really eats you money......


......well,thats about it.I don't want to be the kind of person who has a lot of resolution but zero effort.Like George Washington always says ,"Ukur baju pada badan sendiri". By the way, in order to make 2012 a little funner than 2011,I've set a few activities for me to do this year ,every month.So,here there are :

Junk-Free January

 For this challenge, I will not be eating anything junkie like McDonald burger or pizza.I'm goona stick to healthier food like cereal,vegetable and so on.

Fun February

I'm crazy , u jelly?

Fun February is quite tricky.The thing is ,I got to do new but crazy thing and tape it in a video,EVERY SINGLE DAY. For example like shouting in the middle of a crowd,I dunno crazy stuff .

Messy March

Argghh !!! I'm gonna hate myself for this.If your unaware,Messy March mainy means that I will be a stinky,messy,unclean kind of guy.No hair cut or shaving during this month.My reputation gonna drop HARD!!!

Awesome April

I'm not really gonna be awesome in Awesome April,its more like me being a good friend,a loyal listener and a better person.During this month,you won't be seeing me being mad at anyone or anything.I'll smile all day long even when I'm sad.I'll be Awesome Ammar xP

Grey May

Grey May....better buy some clothes.Basically,I just have to wear grey clothing for a whole month ( except for school xP ) .Grey shirt,grey trousers,grey singlet and even grey underwear.

Juiced June

 JUST DRINK ALL JUICE !!!  I'm might be dumb but for this month's Juiced June ,I drink all the freaking juice I can find,even if I gotta buy with all my money !!! JUICE FTW !!!

Charity July

 The photo didn't really help,did it? Charity July is the time of the year where I will save my money,either my school money or my pocket money, and then donate them to any charity place or mosque.Good Guy Greg asked me to.

........."wait,was that all? What about August,September and the rest?" you asked

    -  Well,from August so on ,I gotta put 140% more concentration for my studies because SPM is near,my dear.

"You just messin with us,you'll never do those challenges"

   -  To those people I say ......

Friday 30 December 2011

2011 is a great year but 2012 might be better !!!

Assalamualaikum warahmatullah hiwabarakatu,

 As we all know, 2011 is almost at the peak and it is the rise of 2012.A lot have happen in 2011 and to be honest,I'm really gonna miss this year because alot have change in me thoughtout the year.I have felt new things that I never felt in the past year.Here a little summary to my long story.If your willing to read until the end of this post,I'll really appreaciate it.

 Well for my personality,it's quite tricky.A lot of my seniors adviced me that Form 4 isn't a year you would want to call a 'honeymoon year'.They sayed your regret if you don't take Form 4 seriously and study hard so that Form 5 would be easier.So,took the challenge and study like hell during the first 4 month of 2011.Everyday I took extra classes ( cause I'm not a really smart kid) and while people were idolizing Justin Bieber and mastubating, I for once study all the time,during the recess,during sport time and even where I'll on a holiday.Life wasn't fun at all to be honest.I was really the ultimate Forever Alone guy as I wasn't too close with anyone,even my classmates. But the good news is......


....I know you guy are like " WTF Ammar,I've seen a lot of people that scored straight A's " .Well,for your infomation,I'm a slow kinda guy.So,I thought that all my hard work really paid off. But eventually,I've became lazy and lazy as I was overconfident with my results.The first mistake was I got caught up with 9gag ( It really steal your soul) and my social life.

 As my mid term came closer,I became really worried.I thought life would end for me as I had lost track on my studies.But I never gave up,so I studied till the eleventh clock.You could say I was prety much lost hope of passing this test.During the test,I was like this : ---->

 After the test, I feel really stressed out.I couldn't think about anything at all and I could see my future as only a farmer.Week pass like days,days pass like that, and the result came out.I scored 5A on my main subjects and 3A on my sub subject.I was relieve because my mom really wants me to be good at my studies.After that test,I thought about splitting my time carefully.I thought it would end up 50% study , 50% other thing but boy was I wrong.It eventually became 10% study,20% social life ,50% sleep and 20% 9gag ( I lost to 9gag )

 Then came Test 2, I tried to study at the last minute like my last test.Also,I didn't really care much about this test.During the last day of examination,I was like...

Screw this test, I'm a fucking genius
...but a last,I really was dissappointed when the result came in,I only got 2A and 1 failed subject.At that time my face was like....


 So,the moral of the story is.....
Don't be a lazy asshole,study hard but smart or your probably gonna end up like me.....

......Eat banana,it has Potasium,just saying